Tawakkalna App

Tawakkalna تطبيق توكلنا faced temporary technical issues

On May. 04, 2020, “Tawakkalna App تطبيق توكلنا” launched on the play store and app store by SDAIA. This was under the supervision of the Ministry of Health and some other government Sectors. These all sectors were on the front-line against COVID-19, including Saudi Arabia’s National Information Centre.

Anyone can register on the Tawakkalna app by downloading it from Play Store or App Store. You can check the Tawakkalna registration

You can use the “Tawakkalna app” to get an electronic permit to hold out different activities during curfew or any similar situation.

Purpose of Tawakkalna تطبيق توكلنا:

The purpose of the Tawakkalna application is to provide the latest news and medical alerts authenticated by the Ministry of Health about the chronic virus.

This application consists of a bundle of permits that allow the residence to KSA to move around the city. This also encourages KSA or international tourists to share any symptoms of COVID-19 with people nearby.

Tawakkalna تطبيق توكلنا is necessary for entering in malls:

This Tawakkalna application is now has a link with ABSHER. Absher is an online platform to ensure that person is in the KSA either as an expat of Local.

A few weeks ago, due to the high number of COVID-19 cases in the kingdom, The Ministry of Health made it compulsory to use the Tawakkalna application to show medical health reports while entering the public areas. Tawakkalna is also necessary if you want to apply for Umrah in 2021

Users can show their health status through Tawakkalna colored codes at the highest degree of safety and privacy. 

Tawakkalna App got Crashed few days ago

Lately, Saudi Arabia people have been facing some issues due to some unnecessary bugs in the Tawakkalna application. Some people could not register in تطبيق توكلنا, while some were able to open their account from their homes.

Still, once they arrived at their office or hospitals and attempted to open their account, the program returned to the home page, and they were unable to enter the buildings. Because of these issues, many expats and local citizens of Saudi Arabia throughout the day were swarmed outside the entryways of many organizations. For example, supermarkets and hospitals, to get in these organizations by showing the permit.

A previous Saudi ambassador disclosed to a local Arab News:

“I had a conference at a five-star lodging anteroom on the evening of 03-02-2021, and I was asked to stand by nearly 60 minutes outside because I was unable to open the application to show it to the safety officer at the entryway. I had downloaded this application a long time ago and registered my account, but the Twakkalna application stopped working properly because of some technical issues. After a while security guard decided to allow me in when he saw that I couldn’t access it to show him my registration.”

Possible reasons of downtime in Tawakkalna

According to the Tawakkalna app, “The error is due to a heavy increase in user traffic for the program. This is why users saw the message “Twakkalna application is not working due to high loads on the service, please try again in a few minutes.”

On 04-02-2021, Tawakkalna stated that “The Twakkalna application is currently facing a temporary technical problem that has caused service interruptions, and the technical team is working continuously to find solutions to this problem.”

While talking about the number of possible errors, Tawakkalna management shared the reason for the crashes. According to the administration, “The application was working perfectly with 9.7 million users even during early registration. But due to the increment of 2.8 million users in only three days, the application stopped working.”

Cause of Downfall

According to the management report, almost 2.5 Billion sign in attempts were recorded in the past few days when the Ministry of Health announced it mandatory to enter worksites, shops, and malls.

Tawakkalna App Latest Update:

Tawakkalna management on 05-02-2021 finally launched the update and bug-free version of the Tawakkalna application. Users can prove their health status to relevant authorities while entering the restricted and public sites.

They address all the technical and login issues in this new update. The latest update of the application works perfectly. However some work is still in progress to remove the complete problems and restore some major features. Features as Digital IQAMADashboard, and COVID-19 Tests Booking and appointments.

The Tawakkalna management also ensured that they would continue to provide efficient and high-quality facilities to expats and residents.

You can download the updated version of this application form below:

Android users: “TAWAKKALNA 2.6.1” IOS users: “TAWAKKALNA 2.6.1

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  1. My tawakkalna was working before, now when i open it is aking to :Please add your urrent residence location” but when I locate and save message is “NO ID Found”….I already update the apps to new version, but still the same…please help

  2. My tawakalna was working well. I registered with the border number initially but after when I got the Iqama number; I logged out try to login again. The system continuously keep telling me; “make sure the information you are entering is correct”. How can I be help because I know all my password very well.