Strict Covid 19 SOPs on Saudi Airports
The Saudi Civil Aviation Department has ordered strict security measures and strict adherence to Covid 19 SOPs at airports, subsidiaries, and department buildings. Travel been is going to be lifted in Saudi Arabia from 17th May 2021. Moreover Air travel is now according to Tawakkalna App and Tawakkalna status within the App.
According to the Saudi news agency SPA, the head of the civil aviation department, Abdul Aziz Al-Dailej, it is necessary to follow the SOPs in place by the Ministry of Health. The slightest negligence in this regard would be unacceptable.
“Everyone should wear masks, constantly sanitize, stop dragons, follow instructions, maintain social distance,” he said. Moreover, they will not allow any person to enter any building of the Civil Aviation Department without trusting the app.
Abdul Aziz Al-Dailej said, “The main reason for the success is that we are following Corona SOPs till now.
Covid 19 SOPs Checking Points in every Civil Aviation building
In collaboration with the security forces, the Department of Civil Aviation has conducted investigative visits. They Visit the airports, department buildings, and subsidiaries. Points made effective for checking the app and checking the temperature.
Protocol officer is visiting every institution. More than 250 inspectors are making sure the implementation of Corona SOPs.
Distribution of Literature regarding Covid 19 SOPs
The number of awareness literature and messages is increasing day by day.
It should be noted that the Department of Civil Aviation is effectively implementing Corona SOPs at Saudi airports to prevent the spread of Code 19. The Ministry of Health is in touch, and international health and safety standards are in place
Head over to Saudi Airline’s Website for more details
Saudi Arabian Airlines (Saudi Arabia) has asked passengers from different countries to “try to know the travel rules for their destination.” All information is available on the Saudi Arabian Airlines website.
Relevant authorities of different countries are issuing new travel regulations because of the changing situation, so anyone who wants to travel to the country should visit the website and get acquainted with the travel regulations of their destination. However, Today’s regulations don’t need to remain the same tomorrow.
Saudi Airline Tweets regarding Air Travel Ban
Saudi Arabian Airlines had tweeted a few days ago, “You have prepared your travel bag.”
Then another tweet in which they write, “Share your next destination.”
One tweet after another from Saudi Arabia has made everyone think that the ban on flights is about to be lifted. However the assumption is right. The Civil Aviation Department had announced that Saudi airports would be reopened from March 2021. Moreover, With that, all restrictions on international flights would be lifted. Still, travel restrictions gets a extension till May 17, 2021.