Prohibited Items In KSA

Prohibited Items In KSA

While considering the holy culture of the Saudi Kingdom there are many items that are forbidden to bring in KSA. If someone was found carrying any of the prohibited items then he or she might claim involving in terrorist activities or can be fined. For the sake of the audience, I have made a list of prohibited items that should not be brought to the Saudi Kingdom. Check below to see either the item you are deciding to carry in KSA is prohibited by the Customs or not.

(1)- Any person traveling to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the first time in his entire life then you should know that Saudi Arabia is a religious country and you cannot come to Saudi Arabia in a drunk state and you should not even pack alcohol and alcohol-related products in your backpack because it will cause a ban of 5 years on you in KSA.

(2)- If a person is coming to KSA with some business or any other activity then he should not carry an amount larger than 60,000 SAR. If you are carrying a large sum of amount and you get caught by Saudi customs officers then there is a probability you will be charged with money laundering crime or they will file a terrorism involvement charge on you.

(3)- If a person was caught up with any sort of drugs including the famous narcotics, cocaine, and heroin then there is a severe punishment waiting for you which can make you end in the Anti-narcotics department jail. Although, drugs are banned some amounts of cigarettes, cigars, and “NISWAR” (tobacco) are allowed. Probably an individual who has the habit of smoking can carry 500 cigarettes and 100 cigars with him while in the case of chewing tobacco and “NISWAR” you can carry 100-grams of it with you.

(4)- If a person who is coming to KSA is non-Muslim and doesn’t know the customs rules and regulations then he might end up in serious problems. Any non-Muslim should not carry they’re holy crossed, Christmas-related products and spiritual products. However, a person can carry a bible with him or her just for the individual users. One person allows to carry one bible but in few cases, they will not allow you to carry the bible with you.

(5)- If a person was caught up with the blueprint, prototype, or any sort of model of any holy thing (Holy Kaba, Shrine and anything related to Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ) then he might be in a serious problem and may resemble involving in terrorism activity.

(6)- If a person is carrying any sort of sex toys, sex magazines, or massage devices that are for adult use then it will be ceased by customs officers in Saudi Arabia.

(7)- As KSA is famous due to its holy culture then you may know that any sort of vulgar activity is not allowed in KSA including Pornography. If a person was found out carrying any sort of Pornographic material then his or her material will be taken by customs police and he will be charged with a serious crime involving some high fine in SAR

(8)- If a person is carrying any sort of haram food with him or her then he should be aware of the fact that haram food is banned in KSA and if any haram food will be found then you will be charged with the crime illegal shipping. This haram food includes pork and its products (including its organ), frog and its product, haram organs of animals.

(9)- If a person is ill from any sort of disease and has medicines that are not allowed by KSA customs then he or she should carry some medical reports along them to verify the specific medicines for the individual.

(10)- If a person is carrying any sort of weapon and related products (ammunition, knives, explosive products) then he should be in a complete mess because it tips off custom officers that person should be involving in terrorism activity. These things are globally banned on airplanes and airports.

(11)- If a person is carrying some sort of night vision cameras and binoculars which are banned in KSA and some other countries then he might end up in the Saudi Police department because these things resemble any sort of spying.

(12)- If a person is carrying any items related to radio and communication transmitters (Vehicle detector, Ultrasonic transmitter, Satellite phones, Magnetic Transmitters, Walkie-Talkies) that are banned to carry through airlines then that person will be charged with a serious crime.

(13)- There is a special case about nutmeg fruit you cannot basically carry it with you because it banned due to some reasons in KSA but if you have a mixture (20% nutmeg and 80% spices) of it including some different spices then might be custom officers let it pass.

(14)- If a person is carrying some older cars (probably older than 5 years) or right-hand cars then he should not even think about it because according to MOI (Ministry of Interior) a car older than 5 years cannot be used and according to MOT (Ministry of Traffic) only left-handed vehicles can be used in KSA. So, these cars are a waste of use in KSA and are banned to take it KSA.

(15)- If a person is carrying some sort of fireworks and other products related to it then it might be possible that these products are ceased by customs officers regardless of your intentions because these are harmful products and can be used in terrorist activity.

(16)- If a person is carrying some sort of herbals with him then he might have to dispose of these items before customs officers do so because these are also banned in KSA.

(17)- If a person is carrying any military-related item including uniforms and other military gear then it might be possible that he should be sent to the required embassy and asked for the reason for this action because these things are banned through airlines.

(18)- Some types of games which include gambling and magic games are not allowed to take to KSA because in Islamic culture gambling is banned and in KSA too.

(19)- Some types of Video games are not allowed to take to KSA due to Islamophobia and some country-related issues too. So, it would be great if you check the list of games before taking it to KSA.

(20)- If a person is carrying his pets then it might be possible the KSA customs will let them go after a pet passport verification but if a person is carrying a wild dog that may serve in military or other fields then it might be a serious problem for you to take to KSA due to security reasons.

(21)- If a person is found out carrying some illegal books then these books might be disposed of and a serious crime will be a charge against the person including a fine penalty.

(22)- If a person is importing Holy Quran then he can’t do so unless he gets approval from the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

(23)- If a person is carrying parts of machines then he might get approval from the Saudi Embassy otherwise they will be ceased by customs officers at the airport because any sort of machinery is banned in KSA airport.

(24)- If a person is carrying more than one mobile phone, sim card, and passport then he might be in a serious problem because carrying more than one passport and mobile phone is banned in KSA and you could be inquired for the reason of carrying.

(25)- If a person is carrying any sort of android watch which has a camera with it then it might be possible it would be taken by customs officers due to security issues.


Arabia is the origin and focus of Islam. Islam is the official religion of Saudi Arabia, the only one allowed to its residents and the one, in particular, that might be praised openly. While outsiders are conceded opportunity of religion, no strict practices other than Islam are permitted, and converting is unlawful.

The formal language of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is Arabic. Notwithstanding, English is additionally a significant language and is broadly communicated as a second language by taught Saudis.

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