How to Check Iqama Validity in KSA 2021
Saudi Iqama Status is given to all the residents that are living in KSA and they must know how to check Iqama validity while being in Saudi Arabia. You can also check your Fellow expat’s Iqama expiry and Check Iqama Validity of that expat. The Iqama contains some data composed on the ID card that tells your name, DOB, expiry, and work-permit type, including your profession, making sure you are working and living in Saudi Arabia. Here is how you can apply for an Iqama
If you don’t want any trouble while living in KSA, you should have all the correct details on every document used to prove your identity and stay in KSA. If the authorities found some difference in any information on records, you will be in a complete mess.
Let us consider that your “IQAMA” validity is expired, and you aren’t aware of “what should you do?”. We at Expats in Saudia have already written detailed steps to check your status in another article.
How to check Iqama Validity
There are many ways to check Iqama Validity Or Iqama Status but we will discuss two widely used methods in this Article.
- Firstly, Check Iqama Expiry using Absher
- Lastly, Check Iqama Expiry status using the Ministry of Interior Website
Check Iqama Expiry Via Absher:
However, To check the IQAMA validity status using ABHSER, you have to follow the below procedure.
(1)- First of all, open the “ABSHER” portal and put your username and the password to login into your account.
Here: “ABSHER”
(2)- After login into your account, clicks on the “Dashboard.”
(3)- In “Dashboard,” you will see your account information and some ABSHER services. Here You will see an “Electronic Inquiries” button. Click on that.
(4)- When you click on “Electronic inquiries,” a new tab will be opened with some services written on it. Now choose “QUERY IQAMA EXPIRY SERVICES.“
(5)– After that, put your Passport number and Visa number in the required field and then click on continue.
(6)- New page will open where you’ll see all your IQAMA credentials, including IQAMA status and IQAMA validity status.
Check Iqama Validity and Iqama Status Via MOI:
To check the IQAMA validity status using the MOI website, you have to follow the below procedure.
(1)- First of all, open the “MOI” portal using the following link
Here: “MOI“
(2)- After opening the link, in the first column, you have to put your IQAMA number.
(3)- And in the second column, you have to fill in the image captcha code.
(4)- Once you did all the above steps, you have to click on the view button.
(6)- After clicking on view, you will be redirected to a new page where you’ll see all your IQAMA credentials, including the IQAMA Expiry and IQAMA validity status