An Expat Guide To All Helpful Saudi Website Links And Emergency Numbers List
“EXPATS IN SAUDIA” dig in deep found a list of emergency numbers and a helpful website. Every Expat should save these emergency contact numbers on their phone. I hope all of your queries will solve after this article. Share these emergency numbers with your friend, family members, and colleagues to save them in case of any unfortunate mishap.
List Of Helpful Websites And Their Links
Saudi Ministry of Health:
Saudi Ministry of Interior:
Saudi Ministry of Labour, Riyadh:
Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
Saudi Customs:
Saudi Food and Drugs Authority:
Saudi Airlines:
List Of Emergency Numbers In KSA:
Below we have provided a list of the verified emergency numbers. Just save the below numbers in your phone number and use them in case of emergencies.
Note: All the numbers are written in descending order, so it will be easy for you to find the relevant number
- Kingdom Emergency without Simcard: 112
- Flying Ambulance: 123
- International Calls: 900
- Telephone Repair: 904
- Landline Phone Book Inquiries: 905
- Customer Service: 907
- New Phone Service: 907
- Unified Emergency Number: 911
- Electricity Emergency: 933
- Ministry of Health: 937
- Ministry of Transport: 938
- Saudi Airline: 920022222
- Ministry of Interior:920020405.
- Ministry of Defence:00966114789000
- Ministry of Labour: 042-99230348
- Balady: 940
- Narcotics Control: 955
- Speaking Clock: 963
- Natural Disaster: 966
- General Intelligence: 985
- Arsad: 988
- Reporting Violations of Work and Residence Regulations: 989
- Emergency Office of Deaths: 990
- Criminal Investigation: 992
- Traffic Accident: 993
- Coast Guard: 994
- Border Guards: 994
- Road Security: 996
- Ambulance: 997
- Fire Service: 998
- Civil Defence: 998
- Police: 999
- Commercial Violations: 1900
- The general presidency of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and prevention of Vice: 1909
- Saudi Customs: 1918
- NAZAHA: 19991
- Bank Complaints with Saud Central Bank: 8001246666
- NAJM (Incident of Insured Vehicles): 920000560
- Child abuse prevention department: 116-111