Digital ID – A new step toward Digitalization
On 30-12-2020, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia introduced a service “Digital ID” in an application named “ABSHER INDIVIDUALS,”. This Electronic ID is also known as Muqeem Digital IQama. It is an electronic copy of the actual Iqama of a resident of KSA.
Moreover, Residents (Local citizens and Expats) of Saudi Arabia can show their electronic identity via a saved QR code. They can save this code on their phone. This Code can be read by the devices like smartphones or other barcode-enabled devices.
Activation of Digital ID:
The activation process is easy. All you need to do is Download the “Absher Individual App”. However, We have covered the whole step in a separate post under the name of Digital ID – How to activate it using Absher
Questions Regarding Digital ID:
However, With the Introduction of Digital Iqama, there are few questions in the mind of Expats. Iqama Fees, Iqama Renewal, and if it is necessary to have a Digital Copy of your Iqama with you all the time are a few of them
However, According to the General Directorate of Passports (Jawazat), “It isn’t obligatory for foreign workers and expats to carry the electronic form of their ID all the time computerized ID.”
Remarks of Capt. Nasser Al-Otaibi:
Capt. Nasser Al-Otaibi, the representative of Jawazat, said,
“Foreign workers or expats have alternative options to show their identity, either using printed or either using electronic IQAMA.”
Capt. Nasser Al-Otaibi
In a TV program of Al-Majd TV, he said,
“The electronic ID or Digital Iqama advocates the identity of the foreign worker or expat character without reaching back to the original printed ID.
It is noticeable that Jawazat dispatched the Muqeem electronic ID on the Ministry of Interior’s new electronic application “Absher Individuals” in December last year.
However, The computerized ID will help expats get away from the fine for not conveying their unique plastic IQAMA or National Identity cards. “
Capt. Nasser Al-Otaibi
His Remarks regarding Muqeem Digital Iqama:
He further stated that the Muqeem Digital ID would encourage checking its holders’ character if they don’t convey the plastic duplicate of the first residency license (Muqeem Card).
“This will empower the recipient to see the ID information electronically through the “Absher Afrad” (Absher Individuals) application through the variable QR Code, and expats can download a duplicate of it on their cell phone, so they can show it without the need to associate with the Internet.”
Capt. Nasser Al-Otaibi
However, Al-Otaibi stressed that the Muqeem Digital Iqama would be a defining moment in improving the advanced change measure and electronic exchanges of people with the pertinent areas by utilizing Absher Individuals entrance, which is created by the service in participation with the National Information Center.
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Digital ID for Saudi Citizens
The Ministry of Interior had likewise declared the starting of the Digital ID of Saudi residents. However, Prince Bandar Al-Mashari, associate minister of the Ministry of Interior for specialized technical affairs, said that Saudi residents and foreign workers don’t need to convey paper or records of their public character, residency grant (Muqeem card), driving permit, and vehicle enrollment (Istimara).
Digital Iqama in Tawakkalna
Moreover, Saudi Arabia is shifting toward the digitalization of many things. Recently, Absher individual is launched only for this specific purpose. It creates a Digital Iqama in form of a QR Code. However, the Tawakkalna app has also introduced Digital ID. Besides, You can see your Digital Iqama and Digital Driving permit or Istimara inside Tawakkalna.
Post-Covid, Many countries are moving toward Digital Era and Saudi Arabia is also one of these countries. Moreover, the Introduction of Absher Individuals, Tawakkalna, and Eatmarna Apps is a step toward the Digitalization of Saudi Arabia.