Detailed Transport Plan for Hajj 2021 by Ministry of Hajj

Detailed Transport Plan for Hajj 2021 by Ministry of Hajj

This year, In the transport plan for Hajj 2021, the transport officials will use 1,600 buses to transport 60,000 pilgrims. According to the Sabaq website, the General Syndicate of Buses has said that “Only 20 passengers will travel in each bus following safety measures. The transport process includes two parts.”

Four Colors of Buses

The officials will allocate buses in four different colors. These colors are red, green, yellow and blue. Only these are going to have access to the residential tent area in Mina.”

Total Transport Centers

“According to the Ministry’s transport plan for Hajj 2021, the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has set up four centers for pilgrims coming to Mecca from all over the country; these centers include 

(1)- Al-Zaidi

(2)- Al-Nawariya

(3)- Al-Sharia

(4)- Al-Naseem”

Centers for Tawaf Qadoom

“Three centers have been set up for the Tawaf Qadoom in Haram Mukki. 200 Pilgrims will get a transport facility for Tawaf Qadoom. These centers include:

(1)- Shabika centers

(2)- Waqf Malik Abdul Aziz 

(3)- Ajiad Al-Masafi.”

Transfer from Haram Makki

  1. In their transport plan for Hajj 2021, the transport ministry decided to pick 6,000 pilgrims from three centers of Haram Makki through the shuttle bus service every three hours from 7 am on 7 Dhul-Hijjah.’

“The rate of taking Pilgrims from Haram Mukti Sharif from each center will be 2,000 pilgrims per hour.” This service will continue till 9 am on the 8th of Dhu al-Hijjah, while the rate of pilgrims carrying on the first day from Naseem Center will be 48,000 pilgrims.”

  1. The agency said the shuttle service would take the pilgrims to Jamrat station, after which they will go to their designated tents.
  2. The agency said that the facility to transport Arafat from Mani consists of two parts, each carrying 20 passengers.
  3. Similarly, after Waqf Arafa, the pilgrims will be taken to Muzdalifah in two parts at 7.15 pm local time.
  4. “The service will be available till noon where the pilgrims will go to Muzdalifah. The same buses will take the passengers to return from Muzdalifah.”
  5. The agency said that the bus service would take pilgrims from the Jamrat station to the designated stations of the Haram for Tawaf-e-Afaza on the 10th of Dhu al-Hijjah.
  6. The departure of the pilgrims will start on 12 Dhu al-Hijjah from Jamrat station to the designated stations near the Haram where, after Tawaf and farewell, they will be taken back by the same buses to the exact center from where they boarded on their first arrival. had gone.

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