Covid 19 Cases

Covid 19 Cases on the Rise Again in Saudi Arabia

While addressing KSA residents on 23-03-2021, the Ministry of Health announced that they had recorded a slight increase in the COVID 19 Cases throughout the Kingdom during the last two previous weeks (15-3-2021 to 25-03-2021). Covid Cases in Saudi Arabia were slightly low in the previous week. However, there is also an increase in corona cases worldwide.

This spread is observed when the Ministry of Foreign Affairs re-opened the land, sea, and air borders. Since March 2019, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia had sealed its land, sea, and air border, due to which there was a massive drop in the COVID-19 cases in Saudi Arabia. This Drop occurred even when the corona cases worldwide was increasing.

Corona Cases in Saudi Arabia total as of 25th March 2021

The country on Sunday (25-03-2021) recorded six new COVID-19-related passings on 24-03-2021. The loss of life has arrived at 6,624.

There were 492 new COVID-19 cases recorded in the recent day, making almost 386,790 COVID-19 Total cases. There are 4321 active COVID-19 cases, out of which only 622 of these are in a severe condition.

The government’s protective measures resulted in an increased recovery rate in Saudi Arabia, up to 98%. Still, in the recent week, the recovery rate decreased from 98% to 97.7%. The Ministry of Health said they recorded a smile hike in the COVID-19 cases in the previous two weeks.

Also, there have been a further 370 recoveries from the COVID-19 virus in the last 24 hours, carrying the absolute to 375,831. Primary cases are additionally keeping a decrease with almost an 86.5 percent drop.

Tabular Data

Latest Covid 19 Data

Total Cases386790
Recovered Cases375831
Active Cases4321
Critical Cases622
Recovery Rate %98%
Covid 19 Stats as of 25 March 2021

Increase in Covid 19 Cases this Week

Saudi Arabia has recorded approximately 398 to 412 cases per week in the last 20 days (05-03-2021 to 25-03-2021). Whereas, the average cases increased from 412 to 420 cases per day in the previous 07 days (15-03-2021 to 25-03-2021).

On average, four and a half people out of 100k people in Saudi Arabia become the target of COVID-19 in the previous week.

According to the Ministry of Health’s logistics reports, about 412 new COVID-19 cases were recorded averagely per day over the last week in Saudi Arabia.

While the recently registered cases in the previous week were 204 in Riyadh and 84 in Makkah, 76 in the Eastern Province, and 21 in Madinah. Almost 120 cases were reported from different individual cities all over the KSA.

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