An Expat Guide To Huroob: Can Expats Come Back After Being Deported From Saudi Arabia Because Of Huroob?
- An Expat Guide To Huroob: According to the new Immigration and residence law, “A deported foreigner due to HUROOB will get blocklisted for lifetime from Saudi Arabia. People who will get deported from the country can only come on Hajj and Umrah visas except for any work visa.
- If you think your sponsor has filed a false haroob against you, you can report this incident in the Labor court. In this article, we mentioned the detailed method to report against false HUROOB
- The Directorate General of Passports (Licensing) has warned that any foreigner reported HUROOB (fleeing worker or fugitive) would get fined 50,000 riyals, imprisoned for six months and deported
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What Is Huroob Status?
If an expat leaves his sponsor for some reason or does not come to work for several days without telling him, his sponsor can file an online report against the IQAMA that specific individual on “JAWAZZAT” with an online procedure. It will charge a crime status on the person, which is called “HUROOB STATUS”.
Although it is the responsibility of the Ministry of Labor about the illegal action of any “EXPAT”, the sponsor will be answerable to the Ministry of Labor about the act of expat if he gets captured during an unlawful activity.
Saudi Arabia has made changes to some of its immigration and residency laws, which are getting implemented. In this regard, it is essential to be aware of the changing laws to avoid any problematic situation.
Why Do Sponsors Report Huroob Against Expat?
There are several reasons that “why sponsors filled huroob against expat?”. Some of them are legal, whereas some of them are false. Keeping in view, we wrote some legal and illegal reasons “why sponsors filled huroob status?” which are noted below
- The sponsor is responsible to the Ministry of Labor for the actions of the expat. So, when he finds out his employee is indulging in illegal activity, he can file a huroob against his employee to make him free in MOL court.
- The sponsor pays a large sum to make the expat come to KSA from his motherland. So, if the expat leaves him, he will lose a lot of his amount, which he used to help the expat come to KSA. So, to gain his lost amount, he can file huroob against the expat.
- The sponsor is responsible for the care of an “EXPAT”, so if an expat doesn’t report to work for many days, he can report huroob against “EXPAT” to release the burden from his shoulders.
- Sometimes, the sponsor becomes greedy. They will ask the employee to pay some amount of their salary to them. Otherwise, he will file false huroob status against them. So, it is some sort of blackmailing.
- If the sponsor can not pay his employee every month, he will blackmail him to not ask for salary; otherwise, he will file a false huroob against him.
- Sometimes, huroob get filed mistakenly by MOL or by the sponsor.
What Is The New Immigration And Resident Law?
According to the new law, “A deported foreigner due to HUROOB will get blocklisted for lifetime from Saudi Arabia. People who will get deported from the country can only come on Hajj and Umrah visas except for any work visa. “
It is noticeable that before the new law, deported immigrants were restricted to specific years of repatriation, under which those deported were blocklisted for three, five, or ten years.
What if you are deported 6 years ago due to Haroob?
A person asked “JAWAZAT” a question on Twitter that “Those deported six years ago due to Haroob can return to Saudi Arabia?“
The passport department said, “No one can now enter Saudi Arabia after being deported because of Huroob. No matter what year the person gets deported from Saudi Arabia.”
People who have a criminal background in Saudi Arabia can not enter Saudi Arabia, as per the court orders of blocklisted them forever.
Remember that after the new immigration and residency laws, those deported because of HUROOB will now get blocklisted on a lifetime employment visa. Such persons can come to the country only on Umrah or Hajj visas.
Read More: How to Remove Huroob Status Online
Way to Cancel Family Driver’s Huroob?
Another person asked, “What is the way to cancel a family driver’s HUROOB within the stipulated period?”
The licenses said that the domestic driver whose HUROOB is affixed has a period of two weeks to get cancelled, during which the HUROOB can get cancelled on the Abshar portal.
It is noticeable that if a person has filed a complaint and his HUROOB did not cancel within two weeks, his central profile will get sealed in the permits. After which, he can not renew his final exit, IQAMA, or visa.
It is easy to cancel the person’s HUROOB within two weeks, but it gets tricky after a certain period. After 15 days, you have to file a regular case in the Labor Office. There you will have to prove that whether the HUROO B is valid or not.
How To Remove Huroob Status?
Well, if some sponsor filled huroob against you, then there are several ways to remove the huroob, which may include
- First and easy way to remove the huroob under the relaxed time is to convince your sponsor. Tell him that you will regularly come on the job or apologize for anything that leads to this situation.
- Change your sponsor/Kafeel or transfer the sponsorship to a new sponsor or Kafeel
- The government of KSA has introduced a new scheme which is called “AMNESTY SCHEME“. According to this, you can go back to your country without being deported. It means that you can come back later with the new sponsor.
- If you think your sponsor has filed a false haroob against you, you can report this to Labor court.
Read More: Huroob Status – How to Check Huroob Status
How To Report Against False Huroob Status?
To file a report against a false huroob status, follow all the steps below:
- First of all, search the Ministry of Labor website (
- Now open the website and made an account if you don’t have already
- If you have an account already on MOL, then provide your IQAMA number and Visa number
- After login, click on the “INDIVIDUAL” tab to check the notifications by MOL (MINISTRY Of LABOR)
- You will see an allegation of huroob against you. Now write all the specific details in the reasons tab and upload all the essential files. Files like work permit last salary or sponsor transfer or Illegal visa trade work of sponsor.
- Upload only necessary and required documents in the form of PDF files.
- After uploading the documents, you will get a registration number, and the files will get sent to respective departments. Also, you can check the complaint cycle by your registration number.
Punishment Of Huroob:
The Directorate General of Passports (Licensing) has warned that any foreigner reported HUROOB (fleeing worker or fugitive) would get fined 50,000 riyals, imprisoned for six months, and deported.
If a person didn’t remove the huroob after 15 days of the charge, then the police can caught him anytime. They can take him to the detention centre where after some paperwork, he will get deported from the KSA. Furthermore, he can only come back to KSA on travel or visits (UMRAH, HAJJ).
کیا سعودی عرب سے حوروب کی وجہ سے ڈی پورٹ ہونے والے غیر ملکی کارکن واپس آ سکتے ہیں؟
نئے امیگریشن اور رہائشی قانون کے مطابق ، حروب کی وجہ سے ملک بدر ہونے والا غیر ملکی سعودی عرب سے زندگی بھر کے لیے بلاک لسٹ ہو جائے گا۔ جو لوگ ملک سے ڈی پورٹ ہو جائیں گے وہ صرف حج اور عمرہ ویزے پر دوبارہ سعودی عرب آ سکتے ہیں۔
اگر آپ کو لگتا ہے کہ آپ کے کفیل نے آپ کے خلاف جھوٹا حوروب دائر کیا ہے تو آپ اس واقعے کو لیبر کورٹ میں رپورٹ کر سکتے ہیں۔ اس آرٹیکل میں ، ہم نے غلط حروب کے خلاف رپورٹ کرنے کے تفصیلی طریقہ کا ذکر کیا۔
ڈائریکٹوریٹ جنرل آف پاسپورٹس (لائسنسنگ) نے خبردار کیا ہے کہ کسی بھی غیر ملکی حوروب یافتہ کارکن (فرار ہونے والے کارکن یا مفرور) کو 50،000 ریال جرمانہ ، چھ ماہ قید اور ملک بدر کیا جائے گا۔