3 New Covid-19 Related Deaths

Saudi Arabia Recorded 3 New Covid-19 Related Deaths In The Previous 24 Hours (21-10-2021), The Loss Of Lives Reached To 8,773


  • The country on Saturday (21-10-2021) recorded 3 new COVID-19-related deaths passings. The loss of life has arrived at 8773 (%2)
  • Approximately 23,991,079 people of SAUDI ARABIA got one dose of vaccine (means 68.9% of SAUDI ARABIA POPULATION)
  • Approximately 20,959,690 people of SAUDI ARABIA got both doses of vaccines (represents 60.2% of SAUDI ARABIA POPULATION)
  • Riyadh, Baha’i, and Sharqiyah are three regions where the vaccination rate has risen to 67.6%. 
  • Almost 52,173 COVID-19 tests had been taken in the last seven days. Out of which only 52(0.1%) are positive

Read Also: New Cases of COVID-19 briefly below 50 cases/day mark.

While addressing the KSA residents on 21-10-2021, the Ministry of Health announced that they had recorded a massive decrement in the new cases of COVID-19 throughout the Kingdom during the last month. ON THURSDAY, new COVID-19 patients in Saudi Arabia stayed below the 50-mark for the fifteenth consecutive day after going above the figure. Covid-19 new cases reduced 91.5%, and the recovery rate from COVID-19 increased with the decreased number of deaths during the previous month. Dr Muhammad Al-Abd Al-Ali said that the number of critical and certified cases is decreasing speedily. The reduction of 91.5% of cases is a good sign. This decrement is observed when the Ministry of Health and Foreign Affairs adheres to a strict vaccination policy.

(1)- Total Cases:

 The country on Saturday (21-10-2021) recorded three new COVID-19-related passings. The loss of life has arrived at 8773 (%2). There were 46 new COVID-19 cases recorded in the last 24 hours, making almost 548,111 COVDI-19 total cases. According to the ministry, Of the new cases, 11 were recorded in Riyadh, nine in Jeddah, three in Mecca, two in Hai’l, two in Al-Taif, two in Al-Hafaf and two in ABU DHAHRAN. Several other cities reported one new case each.


The number of active cases dropped less than 1k, out of which only 79 of these are critical and are undergoing treatment in the intensive care unit. The government’s protective measures resulted in an increased recovery rate in Saudi Arabia, up to 98.7%. Still, in the recent week, the recovery rate increased from 98.5% to 98.7%. The Ministry of Health said they recorded a massive decrement in the COVID-19 cases in the previous month. Also, there have been a further 54 recoveries from the COVID-19 virus in the last 24 hours, carrying the absolute to 537,149. Primary cases are additionally keeping a decrease with almost a 91 percent drop.

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Updated Vaccination Rate In KSA:

  • Saudi Arabia has administered at least 42,597,949 doses of COVID vaccines so far. Of these, 18.8 million people have received both doses of the vaccine.  
  • Approximately 23,991,079 people of SAUDI ARABIA got one dose of vaccine (means 68.9% of SAUDI ARABIA POPULATION)
  • Approximately 20,959,690 people of SAUDI ARABIA got both doses of vaccines (means 60.2% of SAUDI ARABIA POPULATION)
  • Riyadh, Baha’i and Sharqiyah are three regions where the vaccination rate has risen to 67.6%. 
  • Almost 52,173 COVID-19 tests taken in the last seven days. Out of which only 52(0.1%) are positive

The ministry appealed to the public to register with the SEHATTY app to get the vaccine and follow the steps and instructions.

It urges citizens and residents to receive both doses of the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine as soon as possible so that they can protect themselves from various conditions and complications.

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Vaccination Rate Per Region In KSA:

According to the statement, the highest number of coronavirus vaccine recipients in Saudi Arabia is in Baha’i, where 67.6% of both citizens and expats have received the dose, following  Riyadh Region 66.9%, Eastern Region 66.0%, Makkah Mukarramah Region 59.0%, Asir Region 56.8%, Qasim Region 56.3%, Jazan 54.5%, Tabuk 54.5%, Hail 51.5%, Madinah 51.3%, Northern Boundaries 51.4% Najran is 49.6%, and Al-Jawf region is 49.8%.

NOTE: Coronavirus epidemics have affected more than 232 million people worldwide, and the death toll has risen to 4.76 million

Read Also: Covid-19 Average Daily Cases Reduced To 50. 5 Patients Died In The Last 24 Hours (29-08-2021)


سعودی عرب نے پچھلے 24 گھنٹے میں 3 نئی کوویڈ 19 سے متعلق اموات ریکارڈ کیں ، زندگیوں کا نقصان 8،773 تک پہنچ گیا

اہم نکات

ملک نے ہفتہ کوکوویڈ 19 سے متعلق تین نئے اموات ریکارڈ کیں۔ جانی نقصان 8773 پر پہنچ گیا ہے

سعودی عرب کے تقریبا 23 23991079 لوگوں کو ویکسین کی ایک خوراک ملی  ہے یعنی سعودی عرب کی آبادی کا 68.9٪

سعودی عرب کے تقریبا 20 20959690 لوگوں کو ویکسین کی دونوں خوراکیں ملیں سعودی عرب کی آبادی کا 60.2٪ نمائندگی کرتا ہے

ریاض ، بہائی اور شرقیہ تین ایسے علاقے ہیں جہاں ویکسینیشن کی شرح 67.6 فیصد تک پہنچ گئی ہے۔

پچھلے سات دنوں میں تقریبا 52173 کوویڈ 19 ٹیسٹ لیے گئے۔ جن میں سے صرف 52 0.1٪ مثبت ہیں۔

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